Paediatric 1 day First Aid for Nannies and Au Pairs (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

64 videos, 3 hours and 25 minutes

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Epilepsy treatment

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2 min 38 sec
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Epilepsy and Seizure First Aid

Understanding Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a condition characterised by a propensity for recurrent, unprovoked convulsions, commonly referred to as seizures. Treatment approaches are generally consistent across most types of epilepsy.

Dealing with Seizures

Witnessing a seizure can be distressing, but as a first aider, your assistance is crucial. Follow these important steps:

  • Protect: Safeguard the individual from harm by clearing the vicinity of dangerous objects.
  • Cushion: Provide head support to prevent head injury.
  • Time: Take note of the seizure's start and end times.
  • Identification: Check for epilepsy identity cards or jewellery.
  • Recovery Position: After the seizure, gently place them in the recovery position to aid breathing.
  • Reassure: Offer calm reassurance throughout the process.
  • Stay: Remain with the person until they fully recover.
  • No Restraint: Avoid restraining or moving the person.
  • Avoid Mouth Contact: Do not insert anything into the person's mouth.
  • Minimize Movement: Only move them if there's imminent danger.
  • No Food or Drink: Refrain from giving them food or drink until they are fully recovered.
  • Avoid Waking: Do not attempt to rouse them.

Monitoring and When to Call an Ambulance

For all epilepsy types, continue monitoring the patient's breathing and pulse. Call for an ambulance under the following circumstances:

  • First Seizure: It's their initial seizure.
  • Long Duration: The seizure lasts longer than five minutes.
  • Consecutive Seizures: Tonic-clonic seizures occur successively without consciousness recovery.
  • Injury: The person sustains an injury during the seizure.
  • Perceived Urgency: You believe immediate medical attention is necessary.

In the rare event that the person stops breathing, activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and initiate CPR.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit four LO1.1, 1.2 & 1.3