Paediatric 12 Hour First Aid Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

132 videos, 6 hours and 8 minutes

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Anaphylaxis patient position

Video 70 of 132
2 min 24 sec
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Anaphylactic Reaction: Patient Recovery Positions

Choosing the Right Position

Selecting the Appropriate Position:

Helping a patient recover from an anaphylactic reaction involves choosing the right position based on their condition.

Using an Auto-Injector

Auto-Injector Use:

When administering an auto-injector, the patient should either lie flat or sit down for their safety and comfort.

Semi-Recumbent Position

Semi-Recumbent Option:

If symptoms affect breathing, consider placing the patient in a semi-recumbent position, propped with pillows or resting on someone else. This position aids in easier breathing.

Managing Low Blood Pressure

Dealing with Low Blood Pressure:

If the patient feels cold, dizzy, weak, or exhibits clamminess or sweating, they may have low blood pressure. Lay them down and elevate their legs, allowing blood to flow back to the head. Avoid sudden position changes, which can worsen their condition.

Preventing Aspiration

Minimizing Aspiration Risk:

When lying the patient down, turn their head to the side to prevent inhalation of vomit in case of sudden sickness. Be prepared to turn them on their side if vomiting seems likely. If the patient loses consciousness, place them in the recovery position. If they stop breathing, commence CPR.

Recovery Position Steps

Transition to Recovery Position:

To move the patient into the recovery position, follow these steps:

  1. Place the patient on their back.
  2. Take the hand closest to you and position it at a 90-degree angle from the body with the elbow bent.
  3. Lean across the patient and pull their other hand across the body by the thumb.
  4. Interlock your fingers and hold their hand against their face on your side.
  5. With your other hand, grip the leg farthest from you and raise it so the foot is flat on the floor.
  6. Move your hand to the far side of the knee and pull them toward you, using the leg as a lever while supporting their head with your other hand.
  7. Release their hand and tilt their head back to open the airway.
  8. Position their hand near their face to provide support.
  9. Adjust their leg for proper circulation and support.
  10. Ensure their airway is open and monitor breathing and vital signs until EMS arrives.

Calling for Professional Help

Contacting Emergency Services:

Regardless of the patient's condition, always call EMS in cases of anaphylaxis, even if the patient's symptoms improve.