Paediatric blended and your test
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Blended Course Information and Booking
Booking Your Practical Session
If you are enrolled in a blended format of this course, where you will attend a practical classroom session:
- Booking: Ensure your practical session with an approved ProTrainings instructor is booked promptly.
- Assistance: If you need help with booking, please contact us for support.
Course Rules and Timelines
For the full course with a practical session, please note:
- Timeline: Complete the online course and attend the practical session within six weeks of each other.
- Test Taking: Do not take the test until you are within six weeks of completing the practical session.
Accessing and Reviewing Course Content
Once booked for your practical session:
- Logging In: Simply log in to access your test.
- Video Review: Review any course videos at any time as needed.
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