Drowning prevention
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Drowning Prevention: Strategies and Impact
Drowning Statistics and Risk Factors
One of the leading causes of death globally for children and young people aged 1 to 24 years is drowning.
- Global Impact: The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates around 236,000 drowning deaths annually.
- High-Risk Groups: More than 90% of drowning deaths occur in low and middle-income countries, with children under five at highest risk.
- Common Scenarios: Deaths often linked to routine activities like bathing, water collection, and water transportation (e.g., boats, ferries).
- Impact of Weather: Seasonal and extreme weather events, such as monsoons, contribute significantly to drowning incidents.
Preventative Measures
Many drowning deaths are preventable through evidence-based, low-cost solutions:
- Installing barriers to control access to water.
- Providing safe areas away from water, like creches with capable child care.
- Teaching swimming, water safety, and rescue skills.
- Training bystanders in safe rescue and resuscitation techniques.
- Enforcing safe boating, shipping, and ferry regulations.
- Improving flood risk management strategies.
World Drowning Prevention Day and Continuous Action
While World Drowning Prevention Day is observed on July 20th, efforts to save lives continue year-round:
- Individual Actions: Share drowning prevention advice, take swimming lessons, and support local water safety initiatives.
- Group Initiatives: Host public events, launch water safety campaigns, and back new drowning prevention projects.
- Government Commitments: Implement prevention policies, hold discussions, and fund large-scale prevention programs.
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