Schools and defibrillators
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Importance of Defibrillators in Schools
Enhancing Survival Rates in Cardiac Arrest
There is compelling evidence that defibrillators significantly increase survival chances during cardiac arrest:
- Life-Saving Potential: Access to a defibrillator within 3 to 5 minutes can increase survival rates by over 40%.
- School Safety: Defibrillators can save the lives of pupils, staff, and visitors in schools.
The Role of The Oliver King Foundation
The Oliver King Foundation, supported by ex-footballer Jamie Carragher, raises awareness following the tragic loss of founder Mark King's son Oliver to cardiac arrest:
- Government Collaboration: Working with charities like the British Heart Foundation to equip English schools with defibrillators.
- Community Access: Placing defibrillators near sports halls and playing fields for daily community use.
Integration into Education and Community
Defibrillator provision is integrated with first aid education in schools:
- Curriculum Inclusion: Secondary schools teach CPR and defibrillator use as part of life-saving education.
- Expansion Initiative: Ensuring more schools and local communities have access to defibrillators through a government-funded programme.
Government Initiative and Implementation
Key details of the government's initiative to deploy defibrillators in state-funded schools:
- Nationwide Coverage: Surveying schools to determine the need for over 20,000 defibrillators.
- Funding Commitment: Ensuring at least one defibrillator per school, with additional units for larger sites.
Complementary Training Programme
Supporting the defibrillator rollout, a free online course is available for schools:
- Student First Aid Course: Offered at, providing basic first aid skills via an online video course and practical modules for teachers.
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