Common causes of allergic reactions
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Common Allergens: Identifying Potential Triggers
Understanding Allergens
We've previously explored allergens and their diverse nature.
Wide-Ranging Allergic Reactions:
Allergic individuals might react to multiple allergens, not limited to a single substance.
Common Allergens
Here are some of the most prevalent allergens:
- Insect Venom: Bites and stings from bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets
- Foods: Nuts, shellfish, crustaceans, peanuts, milk, eggs, and chocolate
- Plants: Contact with poison ivy, poison oak, and exposure to pollen from ragweed and grasses
- Medications: Including penicillin, other antibiotics, aspirin, seizure medications, muscle relaxants, and over-the-counter remedies
- Other Substances: Dust, latex, glue, soaps, and make-up
Understanding these common allergens is crucial in managing and preventing allergic reactions.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit four LO6.1, 6.2 & 6.3
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