TQUK Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid - Online Blended Part 1

116 videos, 5 hours and 35 minutes

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Poisons and Food Poisoning

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3 min 59 sec
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Poisoning: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment

Poisoning, also known as toxin exposure, can occur through various methods including ingestion, skin absorption, inhalation, or direct contact with eyes or injection into the body. This article explores the nature of poisons, their effects, and appropriate response measures.

Understanding Poisons

A poison or toxin is any substance that can cause harm if introduced into the body in significant amounts. Poisons aren't limited to ingestion but can also be absorbed, inhaled, or come into contact with the skin or eyes.

Types of Poisons

Common poisons include household chemicals (cleaning products, detergents, bleaches), medications (prescription, over-the-counter, illegal drugs), and contaminated food or drinks.

Symptoms of Poisoning

The symptoms vary based on the type of poison and can include vomiting (sometimes with blood), nausea, diarrhoea, impaired consciousness, and physical signs like burns or blistering.

Treatment for Poisoning

Key steps in treating poisoning include identifying the poison, reassuring the victim, calling emergency services, and providing necessary first aid like CPR. It's crucial not to induce vomiting as it can worsen the condition.

Food Poisoning

Caused by contaminated food or drink, food poisoning symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, and sometimes shock. Treatment focuses on rest and rehydration.

Preventing Dehydration

Use rehydration powders mixed with water to help recover from fluid loss, especially important for vulnerable groups like the young, elderly, or in hot climates.

When to Seek Medical Help

Severe cases of food poisoning might require hospitalization. Always seek medical assistance if symptoms persist or worsen.

Preventing Further Spread

Ensure that others aren't affected by the same source of food poisoning. In some cases, it's necessary to report the incident to authorities or employers.

Remember, quick and informed action can mitigate the risks associated with poisoning. Stay safe and educated!

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit four LO5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4